Alyssa Poon
Alyssa Poon is a recent NYU Tisch graduate, out here just Vibing as she tries to build a career in the pre-heat death of the universe days. She made the move from her hometown of San Francisco to New York City because she wanted to see what the second most expensive city in the US had on the first (and in terms of Chinese food, not much). To everyone who helped her get here, she'd like to quote Lady Capulet of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Act 3, Scene 5, Line 139, Word 10): "thanks".

Actors Everywhere is an arts group formed with the purpose of reimagining art. Audio, video, stage - AE has its sights set on all of it. Having proven themselves in the audiobook world and fast becoming a recognizable name, they're constantly working on raising the bar and putting the audience and artists first.